I can be contacted on thehighlandtiger@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Richard Freeman, our favourite non qualified zoologist, claims he knew more about zoology than his lecturers.

It occured to me whilst replying to some comments on the previous article that perhaps we should have a little look at the recent comments made by the CFZ's Zoological Director Richard Freeman.

In an interview at
http://ghastlydoor.com/interview-with-richard-freeman/ Richard makes the following statement

My qualification is as a zoo keeper. I did study zoology at Leeds but I was appalled at the lack of knowledge of the tutors! For example they had no idea how many species of crocodilian there were (23 known) or what the Latin name of the thylacine was (Thylacinus cynocephalus).Some of their text books were 30 years out of date. One ‘professor’ in particular gave lectures on how sauropod dinosaurs lived habitually in water (it has been know for decades that they lived on dry land like elephants) and continually confused triceratops with protoceratops (the former from North America, 30 feet long and ten tons, the latter from Mongolia and the size of a sheep) and mammoths with mastodons. I just threw up my arms in despair at the state of academia and said ‘fuck this’. I would not have made those errors as a ten year old but professors in a major university were making them!

Now this seems to be a complete change of affairs, and as far as I can tell the first time this story has come out in the media.

Perhaps we should look at how, until now, Richard has described his time at Leeds university.

Lets see how the CFZ themselves described his time at University.


"Richard Freeman is one of Britain's few professional cryptozoologists. His interest in unknown animals reaches back to his childhood and he has had a long and varied career working with exotic creatures. He was head curator of reptiles at Twycross zoo in the Midlands. In 1996 he took a degree in zoology at Leeds university and after graduation moved to Exeter to work full time as the Zoological Director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, the UK`s only cryptozoological organisation."

or perhaps we should look at his Amazon press release of his Dragon book.


"In 1996 he took a degree in zoology at Leeds university and after graduation moved to Exeter to work full time as the Zoological Director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology,"

Or how his own publisher decribes him on his Bio on their website


"Richard Freeman is a former zookeeper and has a degree in zoology."

or perhaps the following interviews


The Centre for Fortean Zoology is the only full time scientific organisation dedicated to cryptozoology, the study of unknown species of animal. I came upon a copy of the society's journal Animals & Men in the now defunct Potter's Museum of Curiosities in Cornwall. I started to write for them, became the Yokshire rep then, after I finished my zoology degree, I was invited down to work with them on a perminant basis.


"I do not do this as a hobby. It is my profession. I am a qualified and professional zoologist. I was the head of reptiles at one of Britain's biggest zoos and have studied more than 400 species. I'm not an amateur."


"I took a degree in zoology at Leeds University"

The CFZ continue to state that no-one at the CFZ or Richard himself ever claimed that he had a zoology degree. If so, then how have so many interviews and even his publisher gone away with the impression he has one.

Now we all really know he has no Zoological Degree, and he has no Zoo Qualifications, (I'm assuming he is refering to the nationally recognised "Advanced National Certificate in the Management of Zoo Animals"). The facts above shows that he has lied in the past, obviously to make him look more intellectual and professional than he actually is.

But it makes one wonder what has changed from a few years ago where he was desperate to mention in interviews that he was a qualified zoologist from Leeds University, to today where he pours scorn on the very same university.

Oh yes, I know...................................................................................it must be something I said.


  1. Richard Freeman says "Some of their text books were 30 years out of date." er ...and?

    30 years is nothing; Academic libraries will contain material dating back centuries, to be used alongside access to the latest journal articles.

    It's obvious Freeman did not stick around long enough to learn how to use scientific literature properly. A study skill usually integral to an undergraduate course.

  2. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies15 September 2010 at 21:35

    Once again I see it is time for some Richard Freeman baiting

    I can only think that your undying fascination with Richard Freeman must step from some kind of crush that you have on the man.

    Now that is nothing to be ashamed of, I am sure many a hot blooded male shares your taste but is still afraid to speak of their love even in theses enlightened times.

    I think many who read this blog on a regular basis must be thinking the same as his name crops up so often here.

    So Mr Highland Pussycat pray tell did he spurn your advances once upon a time

  3. Well well, rather than make a reasonable point or comment about the apparant U-turn from Mr Freeman, you resort to a homophobic comment that would not be out of place in an teenage forum.

    There is no point watching the watcher if you have nothing to contribute to the post.

  4. I'd call that an excellent bit of research. Keep up the good work my friend.

  5. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies15 September 2010 at 22:17

    Sorry you think the last comment was homophobic. Did I say that there was anything wrong with your love for Mr. F, no I didn’t.

    Did I say there was anything wrong with homosexuality no I didn’t.

    You will find if it was homophobic it would have been a negative comment on homosexuality rather than a comment that was trying to find a reason for your apparent fascination with all things Richard Freeman

  6. Yet again you fail to make any comment about Mr Freemans revisionism of his academic past.

    One has to ask why you did not do so, why you appear to be obsessed with my sexuality and why you think your comments have anything to do with this post. I will repeat again. These sort of comments are common many forums frequented by the immature. May I suggest you join those sites, which are more your level,


    Perhaps you would enlighten us on your thoughts on the actions of Mr Freeman.

    ps. nice trick trying to change the subject, but really, come on, how old are you? This is one of the reasons why I won't censor any comments like other sites do. I like to let people have just enough rope.......and they do the work for me

  7. ''I can only think that your undying fascination with Richard Freeman must step from some kind of crush that you have on the man''

    I disagree, if this was a journalist pursuing a political figure nothing would be said. All the Tiger is doing is revealing details which would otherwise be unknown. I think the CFZ are fortunate more people don't know about this site, and read the blog. Anyway they do have the right of reply. I'm sure they must know about this site.

  8. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies16 September 2010 at 18:23

    Mr Highland Pussycat I am really at loss why you seem to be missing the point of every comment I have made so far.

    I’m not interest in which way you swing or which team you bat for, it might be a sore subject with you but I doubt if any one else really cares about your sexuality.

    No I am only trying to get to the reason for your stalker like obsession with Richard Freeman.

    I know from elsewhere on your blog you have an agenda in discrediting Richard Freeman that goes beyond simply questioning his academic qualifications. It appears to be quite personal.

    For all your comments and bluster you endeavor to miss my question, so for one last time are you going to give the whole reason why you are so obsessed with Richard Freeman?

  9. We could go around in circles all year with your reluctance to make any comment on Mr Freemans actions. But I'm prepared to answer your question, we'll see of course if you will then make any comment with regard to the topic in question.

    If you look at my tag line at the top of the blog, you will see the following.

    "I'll be asking the awkward and embarrasing questions that some cryptozoologists, and cryptozoology organisations would rather not answer"

    Now the CFZ on their blog posted a link to the interview with Mr Freeman. I cannot be the only one to have noticed that for nearly 15 years Mr Freeman has been trying to convince people he was a professional qualified zoologist, (after all would not the CFZ itself look more of a serious organisation if its zoological director was a zoology graduate). In this recent interview he does a complete about turn on his academic history.

    Now I said my blog would be about asking awkward questions of cryptozoologists, and I would have failed in my aims if I had not written about this.

    There is no obsession with just Mr Freeman himself, only with liars. I would do the same with anyone who I discovered was doing the same.

    Now I have put the facts out there for everyone to read and digest. How people view Mr Freeman in the future is down to them.

    Now lets see if you are prepared to answer my question, and tell me what you think of the links posted which prove Mr Freeman has lied about his academic qualifications in the past. Remember if he hadn't lied, I wouldn't have written anything about him in the first place.

    Or maybe you will show your true colours as a CFZ minion.

    The evidence is in front of you, will you ignore it?

  10. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies16 September 2010 at 20:35

    Well thank you Mr Highland Pussycat we nearly got there in the end. I have to say I am not CFZ minion no more that you are only interested in targeting just the CFZ. I just like to watch that those who claim to the moral guardians are not tempted to stray from their righteous path. You have a bold mission statement and I would like to think you meant every word of it.

    I am indeed looking forward to you outing yet more naughty Cryptozoologist be they CFZ, ABC or Bigfoot hunters.

    As for your recent scoop you are doing nothing but retelling what you already told us back on 23 march 2010 when you were blowing your own trumpet at getting the wikipedia entry for Richard Freeman changed. I know the media have a tendency to repeat stories when news is slow but that’s not an excuse for us all to do it. So come on Highland News Pussycat finds us anonymous watchers of the watchers something new instead of just variations of what you have already told us, its nothing new after all.

  11. This is not a retelling of an old story, but one asking a question with regards to NEW comments made by Mr Freeman. Comments made many months after my post in March.

    I noticed yet again, you failed to tell us of what you think of Mr Freemans lies

    Now why would that be? You like to watch and comment on "moral guardians", but fail to comment on those people whose morals are actually brought into question.

    So I'll ask you once again, (and its very simple and needs no diverting from the topic as you usually do), what are your thoughts on Mr Freemans academic lies.

    You don't need to talk about me or my motives etc.
    You don’t need to question my sexual preferences.
    You don’t need to make childish puns about my non de plume, (strangely this seems to be a regular thing done by CFZ members commenting here)

    All you have to do is simply answer the question.

    Or are we going to get yet another run around and failure to answer the question from yourself

  12. Have been reading this blog for a while now. I have met Richard f a few times now and thought him a decent enough fellow but this business about him lying is not right. I have read all the comments and cant see why Quis custodiet ipsos custodies cant just admit it was wrong and stop going off topic. Come now Quis custodiet ipsos custodies, did Richard lie yes or no???? 1 word answer please.

    Highland Tiger you have done your research well and I applaud you for that sir.

    Keep it comming


  13. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies18 September 2010 at 20:52

    Dear Bilbo I haven’t cast any doubt upon what the touchy (call me by my proper name or else you’re a member of the CFZ) Highland Tiger is reporting, it is all there to read, as are my questions to his true motives.

    I for one don’t think Highland Moggy has done any great research on this posting, rather I think he is flogging the same info he had in March repackaged but nothing new. I do suggest that he has a hidden personal agenda behind his postings.

    And what do I think of the lies that have been told well in the words of Ebeneezer Goode I think its ‘naughty, naughty, very naughty’

    Now pay attention Highland Kitten once again I have to state that I am not a member of the CFZ I know you would like me to be however.

  14. You cast no doubt but wouldnt agree either, just went off subject, but thanks for admitting it now and I also think its naughty.

    Sorry dont know your real name, just copy and pasted it. However I did think at first Juvenal was close ish. I dont know why Highland Tiger is doing this I just think maybe he, or she was booted out the cfz or something but you cant deny they are digging up some dirt and lets be fair about it it seems true at this stage. Also we should not lower ourselves to name calling, even if I didnt agree with them I'd still call the Highland Tiger just that, rude not to aint it really. I am no member of cfz, a follower in the background I was but will now take a long hard look at them. I am sorry but I did assume you where a member. Goes to show one should never assume anything in this world.


  15. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies18 September 2010 at 23:29

    I think Bilbo you might have accidentally found a reason for all this, I bet Highland Tiger is ex CFZ and I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t had designs on being the CFZ’s Zoological Director one day. Now that would explain a lot.

  16. Well maybe it would, who knows. The HT does seem to concentrate on the cfz for some reason. As in actually wanting to be Zoological director well I somehow doubt it to be honest. Well HT, you ask people to answer and be honest so your turn - did you want to be Zoology director? I think its good this blog is not censored and because of that I respect the H.Tiger and will be watching this blog with interest.

    Also I will be taking the cfz with a pinch of salt from now on. I am new to cryptozoology so can anyone direct me to some other sites please?

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodies, my names Brian by the way, pleased to meet you. I'm going to have a good read of the rest of this blog now


  17. Thought I'd posted here earlier but its gone... maybe I didnt push post properly. I just said that the HT does seem to focus on cfz and maybe HT did want to be Zoology director but somehow doubt I it, maybe HT would like to enlighten us on this? I also respect HT for the comments and respect the bravery of leaving this blog uncensored. I hope posters dont abuse it.

    I am from now on going to take cfz with a pinch of salt and as I'm new to cryptozoology can anyone direct me to some good sites? I came upon this one by google.

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodies my names Brian, pleaed to meet you (as such.


  18. First reply to Bilbo, I have no idea why your comments are dropping off, because I certainly have recieved them by email, (which is how I've set up the comments section.)It's really strange, although we all know that glitches do happen at times, I won't do what the CFZ do and that is suggest that dark forces may be at work

    I've posted your recent comment below. This is from Bilbo .

    Well maybe it would, who knows. The HT does seem to concentrate on the cfz for some reason. As in actually wanting to be Zoological director well I somehow doubt it to be honest. Well HT, you ask people to answer and be honest so your turn - did you want to be Zoology director? I think its good this blog is not censored and because of that I respect the H.Tiger and will be watching this blog with interest.

    Also I will be taking the cfz with a pinch of salt from now on. I am new to cryptozoology so can anyone direct me to some other sites please?

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodies, my names Brian by the way, pleased to meet you. I'm going to have a good read of the rest of this blog now


    I have stated my position in the past, that although I have met members of the CFZ in the past, I have never been a member of the CFZ, and have no wish to become a member of the said organisation, and especially not a zoological director. Although thinking about it, I am just as academically qualified as Mr Freeman to do such a job. But no, I have no inkiling to take over his illustrious position.

    Although I have many articles about the CFZ, this is more to do with my residence, ie being in the UK, and the fact that the CFZ seem to shoot themselves in the foot more times than other organisations. I have written about others and I did have a large piece written about the warring factions at Loch Ness and the two exhibitions there. But I decided not to post it, because there were some legal matters going through the courts, and they have finally, (well maybe) settled their disputes. However I am keeping an eye on that one, and if anything changes I will let everyone know. Lets just say, there is someone at Loch Ness, selling postcards to tourists of the "monster", postcards that show a picture taken by his wife and are nothing more than a hoax photograph. This will be followed up once I have some more details.

    For other cryptozoological sites, I suggest you have a look at my links above.

  19. Thanks HT strange I couldnt post

    I'm certainly not going to become a member either now, after reading your other posts. It seems to me you only put a few pointers out and they made themselves look bad all on their own! I'll keep well away from joining but I may still view their blog.

    However I doubt your get many posters by the cfz now as they just seem to did deeper and deeper and probably realise it by now!

    Maybe I'll suggest to them to get qualified staff (as it where) in future, they will seem a touch more professional. And like you said in one of your other posts how do they fund their full time jobs at cfz?


  20. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies20 September 2010 at 20:07

    I apologies Highland Tiger as it turns out you do have more targets than the CFZ in your sights. I look forward to you uncovering the murky world of Loch Ness.

    Any directions to the ‘hoax’ photo

    And out of interest would the hounded nameless widow in the 23 March blog be same woman recently convicted of embezzling £877,000?

  21. I wouldnt mind seeing the hoax photo myself as Loch Ness is a interest of mine. Trouble is google loch ness hoax photo and the choice is endless


  22. To Quis..

    The hoax photo is being sold by someone at the loch, but that is as much as I will divulge at the moment.

    Regarding the other matter. I was not aware of the case you mentioned until now, but a quick web search has indicated that this is the same name and area of the country, so it could be the same person. But, I believe that the CFZ were trying to obtain money from this person that was owed to the CFZ by her dead husbands company.

    Just a final point, as I have never divulged the womans name and neither have the CFZ to the public, then the only way you will have known the name is through the CFZ itself. Now I doubt the CFZ would divulge this information to a stranger. You are either a member of the CFZ or have recieved this information from a CFZ member.

    Are you sure you are not a member of the CFZ?

  23. Quis custodiet ipsos custodie (i.e. Mrs Downes)

    Boring, not useful and the little campaign of misinformation to try and cover up what HT has blogged is useless. I've read these comments and he wins every time, hands down. You just come off a little smarmy dear. The latin is a little up your own rear end also. You know, it just gives off that kind of image. Keep on guarding the guards, or zoo keepers or zoologists or whatever you want to call them.
    HT - Bone to pick with you mate, look at one of my comments on the last post about JD. The one where I mention Ricky Freemans utter frustration with Leeds Uni and the zoology course. You stole my words!! You are of course forgiven :-)

    Stay cool people. Freeman will never be working at a zoo near you anytime in the future so move along, nothing to see here.

  24. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies21 September 2010 at 19:42

    Dear anonymous I used to be anonymous like you but I kept getting mistaken for a CFZ member so I picked a name. And people still get confused.

    I have to say I have just had a look at myself in the mirror and I am most certainly not Mrs. Downes, I don’t look anything like for a start. As for Highland Tiger winning every time I wouldn’t be so sure, his die hard followers may think so, his critics may think he looses every time, me I would say more often than not it’s a score draw

    Highland Tiger I am still not a CFZ member nor do I knowingly communicate with any of them unless they appear on this blog. I was asking about the unnamed widow as it appeared from your earlier blog that you knew the full story, I guess not you may only have once again been spreading rumors that you heard from your CFZ source. As for information regarding her that’s thanks to the link to CFZ on your blog and their link to the Daily Mail.

  25. To Anonymous: careful with those shots in the dark - they can go astray and miss their mark, which is exactly what the bullet you just fired did. To reiterate what Quis custodiet ipsos custodies has already pointed out, I am not they. Also only those in my close family circle are welcome to call me dear, and certainly not someone who writes as 'Anonymous', so please do not use such familiarisations. Oh.. and next time... better turn on the light before cocking your pistol.

    PS: I have no thoughts one way or the other if people wish to use Latin, but if you think Latin is a 'little up your own rear end' and 'gives off that kind of image' you had better not sit down for a bit considering you used the more familiar variant of 'id est' in your latest entry.

  26. People on here do seem to go off topic rather alot! Corinna for the record what are thoughts on Richard Freeman's lie about the qualification he clearly doesnt have and cfz saying he does? Something just overlooked by mistake or a attempt by cfz to try and make themselves look more important.

    Quis thanks for calling Highland Tiger just that in your last post, really no need for name calling here


  27. Smoke and mirrors... Neil Arnold tried swamping my blog entry with irrelevancies and claiming insult.

    He couldn't just call me a twat though, as I'd already called him out on that particular method of refutation on another blog...

  28. A quick look at cfz site tells me Neil Arnold is the big cat man in kent. He has a blog of his own it seems. I also see reference to him in this blog. So whats the crack with him then? Apert from the fact THT has made him out to be a muppet too. However he has done a good job of that on his own looking at his blog... monsters as well as about 1,500 big cats in kent - oh dear cfz at least make some of it believable! Like Richards degree.....


  29. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies22 September 2010 at 19:59

    Bilbo I having been reading both this blog the CFZ blog and others out there I have no doubt that any comments about Richard Freeman and his qualifications on CFZ publications are more likely than not to be mistakes or more colorfully and true fully put cock-ups. No mater how the CFZ have been painted here I still can’t find they are anything near as bad as some of the comments try to paint.

    In truth they appear to be nothing more than a keen bunch of amateurs trying their best and as you would imagine as amateurs they do exposes themselves too many pitfalls however I would expect them to improve with time.

    And are there signs of this improvement to be found, yes I think so if you get a chance have a look at the October issue of the Fortean Times and see what they have been up to.

    As far Neil Arnold goes, are you aware that the world of big cats in the UK is a minefield of petty rivalry and jealousy. Or that some opinions of Neil Arnold and his research are based on nothing more than his appearance and musical taste, nothing at all animal or research based.

    As far as his research into monsters goes I think it is a mistake to see this as cryptozoology it better fits into the world of the fortean and should not really be taken as being the same thing. Best of luck if you try to keep up with all his blogs there are a lot of them. Out of interest where did you find mention of the 1,500 big cats in Kent

  30. Quis no I was just taking the pee about the 1,500 cats in kent. And given the seriousness some take this blog I shouldnt of, sorry.

    But he does seem to have evidence on a lot of leopards, puma,lynx etc and no I didnt know about the pettiness of the big cat folk. I am new to all this and thinking of giving it all up because of the pettiness of (some!) the people in the subject. Now I'm really not spoiling for a row here but dont the cfz have full time researchers? How are they funded then if they are just amateurs and make a lot of mistakes? Something just doesnt add up with all of this


  31. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies22 September 2010 at 21:20

    My earlier comments seemed to have disappeared so here we go again

    Bilbo I having been reading both this blog the CFZ blog and others out there I have no doubt that any comments about Richard Freeman and his qualifications on CFZ publications are more likely than not to be mistakes or more colorfully and true fully put cock-ups. No mater how the CFZ have been painted here I still can’t find they are anything near as bad as some of the comments try to paint.

    In truth they appear to be nothing more than a keen bunch of amateurs trying their best and as you would imagine as amateurs they do exposes themselves too many pitfalls however I would expect them to improve with time.

    And are there signs of this improvement to be found, yes I think so if you get a chance have a look at the October issue of the Fortean Times and see what they have been up to.

    As far Neil Arnold goes, are you aware that the world of big cats in the UK is a minefield of petty rivalry and jealousy. Or that some opinions of Neil Arnold and his research are based on nothing more than his appearance and musical taste, nothing at all animal or research based.

    As far as his research into monsters goes I think it is a mistake to see this as cryptozoology it better fits into the world of the fortean and should not really be taken as being the same thing. Best of luck if you try to keep up with all his blogs there are a lot of them. Out of interest where did you find mention of the 1,500 big cats in Kent

  32. "I am new to all this and thinking of giving it all up because of the pettiness of (some!) the people in the subject."

    That's quite an interesting observation, especially given some of the remarks you yourself have made in this thread!

  33. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies23 September 2010 at 18:44

    This is my 3rd go at getting these comments recorded , my earlier comments seemed to have disappeared so here we go again

    Bilbo I having been reading both this blog the CFZ blog and others out there I have no doubt that any comments about Richard Freeman and his qualifications on CFZ publications are more likely than not to be mistakes or more colorfully and true fully put cock-ups. No mater how the CFZ have been painted here I still can’t find they are anything near as bad as some of the comments try to paint.

    In truth they appear to be nothing more than a keen bunch of amateurs trying their best and as you would imagine as amateurs they do exposes themselves too many pitfalls however I would expect them to improve with time.

    And are there signs of this improvement to be found, yes I think so if you get a chance have a look at the October issue of the Fortean Times and see what they have been up to.

    As far Neil Arnold goes, are you aware that the world of big cats in the UK is a minefield of petty rivalry and jealousy. Or that some opinions of Neil Arnold and his research are based on nothing more than his appearance and musical taste, nothing at all animal or research based.

    As far as his research into monsters goes I think it is a mistake to see this as cryptozoology it better fits into the world of the fortean and should not really be taken as being the same thing. Best of luck if you try to keep up with all his blogs there are a lot of them. Out of interest where did you find mention of the 1,500 big cats in Kent.

    Finally I would give up on cryptozoology because of what you have read hear, this is I am afraid a battleground of ideology and is not a true picture of the subject.

  34. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies23 September 2010 at 18:47

    Of course I missed a word out of the last sentence

    So here is the correct version

    Finally Bilbo I wouldn’t give up on cryptozoology because of what you have read hear, this is I am afraid a battleground of ideology and is not a true picture of the subject.

  35. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies23 September 2010 at 18:59

    This is my 3rd go at getting these comments recorded , my earlier comments seemed to have disappeared so here we go again

    Bilbo I having been reading both this blog the CFZ blog and others out there I have no doubt that any comments about Richard Freeman and his qualifications on CFZ publications are more likely than not to be mistakes or more colorfully and true fully put cock-ups. No mater how the CFZ have been painted here I still can’t find they are anything near as bad as some of the comments try to paint.

    In truth they appear to be nothing more than a keen bunch of amateurs trying their best and as you would imagine as amateurs they do exposes themselves too many pitfalls however I would expect them to improve with time.

    And are there signs of this improvement to be found, yes I think so if you get a chance have a look at the October issue of the Fortean Times and see what they have been up to.

    As far Neil Arnold goes, are you aware that the world of big cats in the UK is a minefield of petty rivalry and jealousy. Or that some opinions of Neil Arnold and his research are based on nothing more than his appearance and musical taste, nothing at all animal or research based.

    As far as his research into monsters goes I think it is a mistake to see this as cryptozoology it better fits into the world of the fortean and should not really be taken as being the same thing. Best of luck if you try to keep up with all his blogs there are a lot of them. Out of interest where did you find mention of the 1,500 big cats in Kent.

  36. Excellent posting HT, I have no axe to grind, but this u-turn in Richard Freeman's story completely contradicts his qualifications as oft mentioned by the CFZ.

  37. To those people who have had a few problems with their posts not appearing.

    I think I have discovered why it has happened. It appears that the blog has a spam section in the comments part of the blog dashboard. For some strange reason the missing entries are being put there. If anyone has any problems in future with comments not appearing, email me direct and I'll check the spam folder to see if it has been put there.

  38. As a Kent based big cat researcher I come across Neil A a bit. I dont really agree with all he says but I ignore it as I have no interest in pissing people off, I have better things to do with my time. I noticed a while back on this blog I was mentioned a few times but its cool, I dont mind. I see no reason why the world of big cat research has any rivalry or jealousy, not from me or BCIB anyway. And a part of BCIB I am proud to be.

    Bilbo as for the 1500 big cats in kent I dont think even Neil would think that mate, slight exaggeration there I think lol

    Rik Snook


  39. This Bilbo as for the 1500 big cats in kent I dont think even Neil would think that mate, slight exaggeration there I think lol

    ment to WOULDNT think that. sorry

    Rik Snook

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